
Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

Final Task in Semester Odd

Jogja Crying
Friday, October 26th 2010, was a historic day for the citizens of Yogyakarta, especially residents in the area slopes of Merapi. Because Mount Merapi erupted with the largest eruption since 1870. This eruption spewed about 140 million cubic meters scattered in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas to the West Java region.
Mount Merapi

 Like the previous eruption, this time it asking many victims until hundreds of lives. They were mostly from Kinahrejo’s villagers which we knew well as a residence of Mbah Maridjan, Merapi’s caretaker. They had not have time to escape when “wedus gembel” ran after them.
Kinahrejo, Cangkringan Sleman
Tribulation was also felt by residents who survived from Merapi magnilancy. Many people still hospitalized, homeless because their houses razed to the ground, losing a job, and felt scary of Merapi volcano which can erupt at any time again. 
Victim of Merapi Eruption
 However, behind all these stories, tucked into some big advantages. The most active volcano eruption in Indonesia brought much cold lava. Number of sand and stone materials gave a little advantage for people on the slopes of Merapi. They also can take the lessons of this horrible disaster, which aware that there was force that exceeds the other, the power of Almighty God.
villagers mining sand
Although jogja was weakened by the eruption of Mount Merapi, but now the tourism industry began to improve. The government needs to encourage refugees to talk about their future fate of both the indemnity issue, pocket money, and rebuild their village. The government also must mentally prepare refugees to be ready to face real life after the eruption.

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